(760) 652-3738 connect@raabsmithteam.com

Are you ready for

The Life and Love

You have always dreamed of?

Healing and growth are not easy, and you deserve to have someone travel the path with you. Coaching and therapy can be many things, and we seek to tailor the experience to your specific needs and goals. Together we will begin to dig deep and help you remove barriers that are causing you to get stuck.


The intimacy pyramid is a model for relational restoration and growth that balances individual work and relational healing. It address the pain that can be experienced from an imbalanced relationship and locates the healing for both individuals within the relationship, facilitating healthy growth within the relationship. We believe it’s vital for couples to build intimacy from a foundation of honesty, safety, trust, and vulnerability.

Exploring relational depths

Through this exciting new book, we plan to explore what it means to build true relational intimacy, exploring both the concepts behind the different levels and practical applications for you and your loved one to begin diving deep with each other into new levels of relational intimacy.

Creating a lasting journey

Not only does this book allow you to go deep in your relationship, but it gives you the insight and tools to maintain this intimacy throughout the course of your lives. It will help create a solid foundation for lasting growth.

“Building True Intimacy: Creating a Connection that Stands the Test of Time”, introduces a new model for healing and restoring relationships, the “Intimacy Pyramid.”

Who we work with


The goal of counseling is to open up possibilities to let you live out your full potential. Our work with individuals begins by learning your story and history, and then helping you to discover obstacles or barriers to realizing your goals. As counseling continues, we use this insight to explore how daily interactions and experiences can negatively or positively affect your progress.

We want you to feel safe, free, and excited to grow as a person. We also want each of our clients to feel heard and empowered to direct the therapy process toward what brings them the most important healing.


All couples need to feel safe and loved in their relationship, but we often get off track and develop damaging patterns of interaction that destroy this safety and love.

Together we will explore what lies beneath these patterns of unhealthy interaction so we can begin to restore hope and healing into your relationship. This helps you create a firm and safe foundation to face the many challenges and transitions experienced in relationships.

We are trained in Restoration Therapy/Coaching, are RelateStrong trainers and facilitators, and are also certified trainers in Prepare/Enrich and use this assessment tool for pre-marital counseling and marriage enrichment.


Family dynamics are full of challenges as we learn how to navigate communication, closeness, flexibility, roles, and life transitions. If you are struggling in these areas, it can feel overwhelming and difficult to see a way forward.

We draw on family systems theory in our work and are ready to help navigate these different issues within each unique family structure. As we learn what works best for your family, you will grow stronger as you build healthy interactions in place of old, unhealthy patterns.

Betrayal – Infidelity – Addiction

We are passionate about helping individuals dealing with sex addiction, partners of sex addicts, and couples coping with sex addiction/betrayal trauma and recovery. There is hope and healing available even in the darkest places of our lives and relationships. The chaos and crisis created by addiction does not have to go on forever. Change is possible, and we are committed to helping our clients find the freedom from addiction that they deserve.

We work with BETRAYERS and those struggling with addictive behaviors transform their lives and relationships. We empower them to make healthy choices, stop destructive patterns, and develop empathy.

We work with PARTNERS who have experienced betrayal from the trauma model and help them feel safe and empowered to create healthy boundaries as they heal from the pain of relational betrayal.

We work with COUPLES to find stability in the early chaos or discovery, restore trust through honesty and safety, and build the relationship that they have deserved to experience all along.

We have been trained by IITAP, APSATS, and EMDR to work with both individuals and couples in recovery. Our experience and training in this niche has helped us create a framework designed to put you on the track to healing and hope! You can learn more at The Intimacy Pyramid.

Our Team





Matthew and Joanna Raabsmith are highly skilled professionals. They bring dedication, passion, creativity, and care into their work with clients. Their approach to help clients achieve and/or restore healthy intimacy is both practical and achievable. I can’t recommend them enough for any who are seeking healing from sexual betrayal or for those wanting to deepen intimacy in their relationship

    Dan Drake
    Founder of Banyan therapy group